Wednesday, March 25, 2015

For those who don't know

I hate to leave anything unfinished. But writing this finale of my fertility blog just was too hard. For those who don't know me personally, my blog ended at 23 weeks. The reason is, my twins were born at 23 weeks 6 days. Incompetent cervix, infection, and the bleeding seemed to be the culprit. We lost Baby A, our daughter to NEC, three weeks after birth. Our son, Henry, is two and is doing wonderfully. We actually became pregnant naturally with our second son, John, four months after the NICU. My hope is that this blog helped women who are undergoing fertility treatments have hope and humor in the arduous process. Although our twin pregnancy was less than ideal, we did give birth to two beautiful albeit tiny babies and a huge 7 lb 13 oz 36 weeker. So it's possible. Have hope.

Lots of love and joy,