Wednesday, November 14, 2012

9 Weeks

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well! I had my nine week appt today and the babies are GREAT. The heartbeats are perfect, their size is perfect, the hemotoma is decreasing or stabilizing, so we are doing well. I have had pretty much the same symptoms but they now include cramping and a stuffy nose. I love these little things so much already and I haven't even met them yet. Oh and I have only gained 2 lbs!! I have been really good and didn't want to make this any harder by gaining a ton of weight, so I was really happy about that too.

Fun Facts:
  • The babies are officially fetuses this week.
  • They are about the size of a large olive.
  • They look much more humanoid and adorable by the way....
  • Their eyes are fully formed but their eyelids are fused shut for a couple more weeks.
  • They are forming tiny teeth.
  • Most of the basic physiology is in place, now they just have to start gaining the weight.
and now for the best part, a picture and a video. I will add more later, Matt is chomping at the bit to send the pics to his parents. ;)