Saturday, August 25, 2012

Room Design Ideas, just for fun. :)

Love this cloud washed wall. The kit to do this is like 50.00 but I think it would be so cute for both boy and girl rooms. I prefer neutral everything anyway, so I probably wouldn't go strictly pink or blue even if we planned to find out what we are having.

I love these colors in this room. I can take or leave the fabric circles on the wall, but I just think this looks so airy and happy.

You can MAKE these. I was thinking that would be really need as nightlights. You have to use stuffing (not batting) and then you put the electric tea-lights in there. I think there is a specific brand or kind you have to use for fire safety, but too cool, right?

These are genius. They are painted spice racks from IKEA. I had always planned on having some sort of book shelving but this one is really adorable, and cheap on the ol'pocketbook.

This room is too cool. I don't know if the house we live in would be able to pull off something this cool, but I just thought it was neat. I really liked the idea of the open shelving, our bedrooms do not have conventional closets (farmhouse) so this would be a nice alternative.

Jenny Lind cribs are my favorite. I think they look timeless. I love the idea of painting one a color too, I love the idea of painting one either red, soft yellow or a minty green...

I plan, therefore I am.

Hey All,

I was just cleaning my bookshelves, I am slowly going digital and removing the paperback books from my collection. All important and hard cover books remain, mind you...but I found a book of fairy tales from Hans Christian Anderson that I had saved and a book of baby bedtime stories that Matt gave me on our first Christmas together. We laugh about that now, he was like, weren't you like, "awesome, thanks  for the book, weirdo I have been dating for 6 months"...but it all worked out.

I have a box of clothes I have bought or been given over the years, toys and dolls, decorations, artwork, an antique bassinet that has been in our family for generations. I have baby and kid cookbooks, books on being a great parent and fun stuff to do with your children. All waiting for Baby Hoffman or Babies Hoffman to arrive finally.

In our new house we have a loft-style bedroom. There is a larger master area and then a little room off of it that will be the baby's room. (My mom said that it was like the one I had when I was a baby, how cool is that). I measured our bedroom furniture and the littler room though, thinking, well if we end up with multiples, they are probably going to need more room then Matt and I need. We will just give them the "master" area and we will take the little room. Everything fits thankfully so I have that card in my back pocket in case I need it.

All those that know me well, know that planning is what I do. It keeps me calm.  Although I am comfortable with change of plans and one thing this whole experience has taught me that I sure as hell can't plan everything.

Love you all! Take care. :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doctor Consultation 1, Cycle 2 IVF

We went to the Doctor today for updates on the cycle.  I am going from 100 mg to 225 mg of follitism and the menopur dosage is going to remain the same. He said it is a tight rope act with people like me, just a little more pressure (drugs) can create be a problem or too little can do nothing, but there is no way to tell. He is fairly certain IVF will work for us. Fairly certain doesn't have me dancing in the streets though we are still cautiously optimistic.

Because we haven't gotten pregnant with IUI's means that I most likely have an egg quality issue as well. So saddled with PCOS and poor egg quality as I am, the Doc said that when they do IVF you are casting a MUCH wider net.Taking out 25 eggs instead of 1-2 eggs so he thinks that will help that situation. Hopefully it will, hopefully this will be it and we will be done.

I am still doing the birth control part, so I don't have any updates pertaining to meds or stuff like that. Although, the 225 mg of follitism will make me even crazier than before so that is something fun for Matt Hoffman to look forward to.

I am going to keep losing weight, I am down about 7 lbs that I had gained back, (argh, vacation) so that is a total of 13.2, I still have 11 to go to be back where I was 8-9 months ago, annoying, but all my fault. I have 6 weeks to lose 13.2 lbs, I am sure I can do it, that is a couple lbs a week. That will help the egg quality as well, so I have to do my part.

Well Ladies and Gents, thanks for reading. Lots of love to you all!

Krista Hoffman

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

IVF, take two!

I have nothing incredibly groundbreaking to share. I started the birth control part of the IVF cycle. You take birth control to supress your ovaries so they can harvest a ton of follicles when they do the transfer. We have a Dr. Appt on Tuesday to go over the treatment and why it failed. They are probably just going to up my follitism shot and call it a day, but we will see.

I will keep ya'll updated! :)

Lots o' love,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

4th IUI was a no

Good Afternoon All,

Just an update, the 4th IUI was a no. I have been sick and not able to update since I found out. I wasn't too upset, I knew it wasn't going to work with the chances so low. I am just excited to start on IVF. If the schedule moves at the same time the last one did then I believe the transfer in and out will be the last week of September. So be ready for updates!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Waiting and waiting and waiting some more

Nothing new to report. Just waiting impatiently to find out if this treatment worked and move on the the next scheduled process. The two week wait is nice because you have a little while to actually have some hope, but it sucks because you don't know what is going on so you don't want to get your hopes too high. I told Matt I wish something happened that told you that you are pregnant right away. Like your nails turned red, or your tongue purple, something more instantaneous.

 But we will suffer through the wait like we always have. I only have 7 more days to go. No symptoms, of course, because you would most likely not show any yet anyway. It takes awhile for those hormones to build up once the egg implants. Also, taking Endometrin, a type of progesterone, mimics symptoms of pregnancy, which is sneaky and really kind of mean. Sore boobs and cramps can really mean anything at this point.

Welp, off to vacuum I go. Have a great day everyone!
