Saturday, August 25, 2012

I plan, therefore I am.

Hey All,

I was just cleaning my bookshelves, I am slowly going digital and removing the paperback books from my collection. All important and hard cover books remain, mind you...but I found a book of fairy tales from Hans Christian Anderson that I had saved and a book of baby bedtime stories that Matt gave me on our first Christmas together. We laugh about that now, he was like, weren't you like, "awesome, thanks  for the book, weirdo I have been dating for 6 months"...but it all worked out.

I have a box of clothes I have bought or been given over the years, toys and dolls, decorations, artwork, an antique bassinet that has been in our family for generations. I have baby and kid cookbooks, books on being a great parent and fun stuff to do with your children. All waiting for Baby Hoffman or Babies Hoffman to arrive finally.

In our new house we have a loft-style bedroom. There is a larger master area and then a little room off of it that will be the baby's room. (My mom said that it was like the one I had when I was a baby, how cool is that). I measured our bedroom furniture and the littler room though, thinking, well if we end up with multiples, they are probably going to need more room then Matt and I need. We will just give them the "master" area and we will take the little room. Everything fits thankfully so I have that card in my back pocket in case I need it.

All those that know me well, know that planning is what I do. It keeps me calm.  Although I am comfortable with change of plans and one thing this whole experience has taught me that I sure as hell can't plan everything.

Love you all! Take care. :)


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