Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doctor Consultation 1, Cycle 2 IVF

We went to the Doctor today for updates on the cycle.  I am going from 100 mg to 225 mg of follitism and the menopur dosage is going to remain the same. He said it is a tight rope act with people like me, just a little more pressure (drugs) can create be a problem or too little can do nothing, but there is no way to tell. He is fairly certain IVF will work for us. Fairly certain doesn't have me dancing in the streets though we are still cautiously optimistic.

Because we haven't gotten pregnant with IUI's means that I most likely have an egg quality issue as well. So saddled with PCOS and poor egg quality as I am, the Doc said that when they do IVF you are casting a MUCH wider net.Taking out 25 eggs instead of 1-2 eggs so he thinks that will help that situation. Hopefully it will, hopefully this will be it and we will be done.

I am still doing the birth control part, so I don't have any updates pertaining to meds or stuff like that. Although, the 225 mg of follitism will make me even crazier than before so that is something fun for Matt Hoffman to look forward to.

I am going to keep losing weight, I am down about 7 lbs that I had gained back, (argh, vacation) so that is a total of 13.2, I still have 11 to go to be back where I was 8-9 months ago, annoying, but all my fault. I have 6 weeks to lose 13.2 lbs, I am sure I can do it, that is a couple lbs a week. That will help the egg quality as well, so I have to do my part.

Well Ladies and Gents, thanks for reading. Lots of love to you all!

Krista Hoffman


  1. How have I missed your blog posts so far? For shame, Lippy!

    Regardless, I'm fully caught up now on your quest for a lil black baby - I mean dress - I mean - crap - what are you doing again?

    =) I love you guys and I am pulling for you big time. Lots of positive vibes headed your way from the West Coast. I know this means so much to you both (always has) and you're fighting so diligently to be parents. I truly believe it's in your stars and you'll have that wee BrockHoffman someday soon. Can't wait to meet him or her and commence the corruption!

    Stay strong, nutty. I believe in you.

  2. I don't know Lippy! I don't know... :) I am glad you are all caught up, it is riveting information about my reproductive organs, so I don't know how anyone would miss it.

    You never know, we could end up adopting a little black baby, and would be all the luckier for it. I am hoping for my own, if course, but if the road leads that way, so be it.

    I love you too, thanks for the West Coast vibes...oh yeah we are fighting, that's all we can do. Corrupt away, they will love their Aunt Leigh!

    Thanks for the well wishes love. Miss you so much! :)

  3. I also would like to amend my above statement by saying that I believe adopted children are your own as your birth children are. When I said "my own" I was speaking of genetics. Like my weirdo feet and Matt's dimples. My eyes and Matt's hair color, that sorta situation. All though, if we could pass up giving them PCOS and ADD that would be great...... ;)
