Saturday, November 3, 2012

7 Weeks Pregnant

Hello All,

On Tuesday, we were able to not only see the flutter but hear the heartbeats which is exciting. Once you hear the heartbeats the chances of miscarriage decrease. Although anything can happen still, that is a pretty nice feeling. They were really beating along, cute little things. :)

The hematoma is still there, still the same size. I basically go to work and lay in bed. That has been my life for the last couple weeks. Matt is now doing all the cleaning, cooking, shopping, and he has been really great. I know he hates it, I don't really love it either, but what can you do. It can take weeks if not months for this thing to go away so we will just keep hoping and praying it dissipates.

I have started wearing maternity pants and shirts, things were starting to get tight and I was uncomfortable. I don't have much of a belly yet but I sure will soon enough so I figured I should get used to them. I need to go buy more actually, but being on modified bed rest hasn't helped that. I guess I can use the good ol' Internet. I really need to buy a maternity winter coat (I originally typed goat and that cracked me up), my current ones are not buttoning over my chestal area.

Things about my pregnancy this week:
  • I am feeling more pregnant, like body wise. I just feel less normal, I don't really know how to describe it.
  • I have a small bump, nothing like those magnificent ones people have at 32 weeks but I can tell something is there.
  • My skin is like pre teen oily. That's what the pregnancy glow is, the hormones making your skin look like an oil slick.
  • My hair is oily, that just started this week so this is a symptom that I have to get used to.
  • Cravings...... I wanted some pickle dip, a steak, and peanut butter mnm ice cream last night. I had none of the above. My nutrition czar is really watching my non-healthy intake. ;)
  • I am really tired all the time. I fell asleep like 4 times last night just hanging out at home.
  • I have to pee 87 times a day. I am drinking a lot of water but sweet lord I have never been in the bathroom so much in my life.  
  • Not really as hungry as I was a couple weeks ago. It is nice to not consume as much a teenage boy does.
I think that is all for now folks, I have pictures but you can't really see a whole lot. I will post some once they look less amphibian and more human.


1 comment:

  1. You were also craving McDonald's chicken nuggets and coffee flavored ice cream! lol :)
