Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Pre Halloween Scare

Today was a rough day. I went to work, humming a happy tune, a little sleepy and vomit-ty but that is normal. Then I started to bleed about 10 minutes into work. I FREAKED out. I was hyperventilating and crying like a crazy person and I hightailed it out of work sure that I was losing one or maybe both of the babies. My work was so wonderful, by the way, the offered to have someone drive me home, they were able to understand my unintelligible speech through my sobs, they were just awesome.

So I am crying and begging God, please don't take them, please don't take both, please god don't do this again, I actually probably should have had someone drive me home. While I was on the way home, Matt called the doctors office. The OBGYN said we should go to the fertility doctor so we called him and he didn't have an opening until 3:00. They said to put my feet up, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. So I got into bed and cried some more knowing that the past was going to repeat itself. I was so tired from the emotional craziness that I feel asleep.

Matt woke me up and we drove all the way out to the Crest Hill office. It was a long drive and Matt and I were both super nervous. We got into the office and although the bleeding had almost subsided we were still scared. The Doctor did the scan and we saw both little heartbeats. We were so shocked and elated. They were such cute little flutters.He measured them both and they were both the same size which is a good sign too, it means that they are both growing normally.

Then he moved over to the area that was causing the bleeding. I have a blood pocket caused by implantation behind one or both of the babies (he couldn't tell because of the angle).  He said that 9 out of 10 times it is fine. It will go away on it's own. The dangerous part is that the blood pocket doesn't leave an area for the placenta and baby to really stick in there and grow. If they don't have a place to do so then it won't end well. So I am praying that pocket goes away quickly and I can rest easily again.

The bleeding and pocket is exacerbated by lots of movement, so he wanted me to relax and put my feet up for the next 3-4 days. No cleaning and cooking or working. I have another Doctor apt on the 30th so they will check the blood pocket again to see where it is at. He didn't seem super concerned about it but he wants me to take it easy at home and at work until we get to the 12 week mark. So Matt is in charge of cooking and cleaning right now, which he loves... ;)

So that is where I am right now. We are happy that both babies are alive and fine and we are optimistic that the blood pocket will go away so the babies can grow like they should.

Lots of Love,

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