Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 Weeks

Hey Everyone,

I didn't update my blog to let you know what we found out on Monday. It is TWINS. There are two tiny little black orbs with yolk sacs and fetal poles. I will try to get pic up of them this weekend. We are uber excited. Like over the moon excited. I am just hoping and praying that they both stay with us. I know, I am super greedy, but I want them both.

We, of course, are hoping for a boy and a girl because then we are done with this whole making a baby situation. But we will be happy with whatever happens.

At six weeks, my morning sickness has been a little more crazy, I throw up or am feeling like I am going to throw up at least 3-5 times a day. I am also extra moody and tired. I wanted ice cream yesterday, coffee flavored ice cream specifically, so we went to the store. Matt went in alone because I have been living in pajama pants when I get home. I said, "I want coffee flavored ice cream or strawberry or cookie dough." He came out with a strawberry shortcake smart ones and strawberry fruit juice bars. Blech. I was like, dude, I am pregnant and I should get what I want." (plus I am eating SUPER healthy so a bowl of ice cream was not going to break the bank). I didn't eat either of them. Then we went back for Oreo ice cream tonight. About 15 minutes later I threw it all up. So I guess I didn't need it after all.

We get to hear the heartbeats on Tuesday. I am super excited about that. I just want the confirmation that they are growing and developing and nothing bad is happening. We are just so skittish from our last experience that everything make us nervous. Random cramps, soreness, headaches, it is just so scary.

No one reminded us of this part when we started IVF. We were so darn focused on getting pregnant that I forgot what it is like to actually be pregnant and to worry all the time about the outcome. But I read a really excellent quote about worrying that I have started taking as my "mantra" during this. It can really be used in a ton of situations so feel free to steal it. :)

"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due." - Ralph Waldo Inge

Lots of Love,


  1. woohoo! best. news. ever.
    congratulations hot mama :o)

  2. Thanks Nicole! We are super excited. I hope everything is going great with you. :) If you ever need anything let me know
