Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Progesterone Check

Hey Everyone!

Just went and got my progesterone check today. I will get the results today, but they want the levels to be at 30, I really don't know why but that is what they said. I think they just want to make to comfortable for the little blastocysts to grow.

I don't have any symptoms yet, but it is only 3 days after. I mean I am pretty tired and have had random cramping but that doesn't really mean a whole lot. I am just trying to wait these two weeks out and keep my head on. I just have to keep myself grounded and say, it is only 50/50, don't get to excited, it may not is an unfortunate mantra but helpful.

I did buy a super cute pair of cream maternity jeans at Goodwill yesterday. My friend Candace told  me to check there for clothes and they have a lot of stuff that still has tags on it. They were cream, with the tags on, in my size, for 4.00. So I was like, why not, I will hopefully use the at some point.
I hope to use them at Christmas time.

I really hope these little guys stick, this has been a really exhausting journey.

Love you all!


  1. Oh Krista! I am sending so many sticky vibes to those little guys! Hugs and love!

  2. that's kristine up there by the way ;)

  3. Thanks Kristine! You are too kind. We will know soon!! :) I appreciate the support!!
