Saturday, October 20, 2012

5 weeks and 1 day

Hi Everyone,

Just a short update. I am 5 weeks and one day today. So I we are getting there. Only 7 more weeks until we finish out this trimester and I can rest a little easier. I am still super tired, like 2 naps a day tired, nauseous, sore, and bloated. My belly is getting bigger, I think from the bloating. I am being pretty careful with my eating, lots of veggies and protein. Although Wednesday, I had a terrible day at work and stopped and the grocery store. I bought Ruffles, bacon dip, moose tracks, that Hersey's hardening ice cream stuff, olives, cream cheese, bacon bits and crescent rolls (for an appetizer). Matt talked me down when I got home. I was ready to eat it all!

We find out Monday if it is doubles. Then the Wednesday after that we get to hear the heartbeat/heartbeats so that is exciting. I am just so scared right now that we will lose it again, I am scared to get too excited about anything. Matt says that I should just relax but it is really hard. So the next 2 months couldn't be over fast enough for me.

Well that is all right now my friends.

Lots of love to you all! :)


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