Friday, December 28, 2012

15 Weeks

The babies are the size of a NAVEL ORANGE!!!! :)

  • They can sense light and movement although their eyes are fused shut.
  • They are forming taste buds.
  • Gender can be figured out (possibly) at this week.
  • They can hiccup.
  • They squirm and move all the time.
  • Their joints and limbs can all move now.
So Christmas was good to Babies Hoffman. They received lots of diapers and wipes, clothes, blankets, and other fun stuff. I will try to get a pic of what we have so far. I also was super excited to actually have an elderly couple talk to me about my pregnancy. I am getting out of the stage of just looking super fat which I am a fan of.

I had a Dr Appt today. I have gained 2 lbs total. So my weight gain is pretty minimal right now. The high risk specialist came back with both babies being just fine (we had the downs syndrome testing done). We heard both their little heartbeats, 160 and 153. So all is well. I have another Dr appt with the high risk specialists on the 3rd and I think we get to see them then, which is exciting. :)

More next week for sure.

Lots of Love!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

14 weeks

As you can see, this week the babies are the size of a lemon.

  • Our babies can now squint, frown, grimace and pee (lucky me!)
  • They are developing Languno, hair that grows over their little bodies to keep them warm. They will lose it before they are born.
  • Their livers and spleens are in working order.
  • They are super duper active.

They are moving and a shaking, sweet little things. Can't wait to see hear them on Friday with the sonogram. :)

Lots of Love,


Saturday, December 15, 2012

13 Weeks

Hello Everyone,

Well we went to see Dr. West on Monday, sad news is that she won't be doing anymore ultrasounds until week 20, so we will have to wait awhile before we get any new pictures. Although, I am seeing the high risk specialist on Jan. 3rd, so they may have more pictures then. Exciting news is that we got to hear the heartbeats through the external sonogram, which was the first time that we ever did that. It was just too cool!

So this week the babies are the size of a PEACH!!!

  • Their fingerprints have formed.
  • Their vocal cords are forming.
  • Their intestines are moving from their umbilical cord into their little tummies.
  • If one is a girl, she already has 2 million eggs in her little ovaries.

Every week we have them and they are okay is a blessing to us. We just pray they continue to grow and thrive, because we are just so overjoyed with them already. I know that they said that it usually happens later, but last night I felt some movement. I had just read them a The Three Little Bears (I know they can't hear it yet but I do it anyway) and played them Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. All of the sudden, it felt like a little tiny fish or butterfly floated inside my belly. It was really amazing. I can't wait until Matt can feel the kicks so he can be amazed by it too.  :)

Also, I would like to use a moment for all that read my blog to take a moment and pray for those babies and adults lost in the shooting in Connecticut. As I am celebrating each moment with the ones that are growing in my belly, I can't help but think of those poor families that lost their babies in that school. God be with them and comfort them in this time of great tragedy.

Lots of Love to you all,

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12 weeks -Closing in on the final few days of the first trimester

Hello Everyone!

I am 12 weeks pregnant today. We also had the opportunity to see the babies which was super exciting. We had to go see a high risk specialist at Rush Copley today because he needed to do some genetic testing and look at the hemorrhage that I have. We did the test for Downs where they check the blood and measure the necks, we should know if we are at risk in a couple weeks. They also checked the hemotoma/hemorrhage and it was smaller than last time, it was 6 x 2 cm and last time it was 10 x 2 cm. We were able to tell that it is behind Baby A and not Baby B. I told Matt that it is a good thing that Baby A is a little less wiggly then Baby B, otherwise we may have had some bad results earlier. They didn't seem incredibly concerned, he says they see them a lot with IVF patients and with twins.

Things going on with the babies this week:

  • Our babies are the size of a PLUM!
  • Most of their critical systems are formed.
  • They are about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues with grow and develop rapidly.
  • They are developing reflexes, so if you poke them, they will move.
  • They are open and closing their little fingers.
  • Their brains are developing quickly.

I am still tired and throwing up all the time. I can't wait to get further in the pregnancy so I can enjoy it a little more! I can't wait for this stupid hemotoma to go away as well, damn thing is driving me nuts.

I have an appt with Dr. West on Monday of next week so I will try to post some more pics then.

Lots of Love to you All!

Krista Hoffman