Saturday, December 15, 2012

13 Weeks

Hello Everyone,

Well we went to see Dr. West on Monday, sad news is that she won't be doing anymore ultrasounds until week 20, so we will have to wait awhile before we get any new pictures. Although, I am seeing the high risk specialist on Jan. 3rd, so they may have more pictures then. Exciting news is that we got to hear the heartbeats through the external sonogram, which was the first time that we ever did that. It was just too cool!

So this week the babies are the size of a PEACH!!!

  • Their fingerprints have formed.
  • Their vocal cords are forming.
  • Their intestines are moving from their umbilical cord into their little tummies.
  • If one is a girl, she already has 2 million eggs in her little ovaries.

Every week we have them and they are okay is a blessing to us. We just pray they continue to grow and thrive, because we are just so overjoyed with them already. I know that they said that it usually happens later, but last night I felt some movement. I had just read them a The Three Little Bears (I know they can't hear it yet but I do it anyway) and played them Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. All of the sudden, it felt like a little tiny fish or butterfly floated inside my belly. It was really amazing. I can't wait until Matt can feel the kicks so he can be amazed by it too.  :)

Also, I would like to use a moment for all that read my blog to take a moment and pray for those babies and adults lost in the shooting in Connecticut. As I am celebrating each moment with the ones that are growing in my belly, I can't help but think of those poor families that lost their babies in that school. God be with them and comfort them in this time of great tragedy.

Lots of Love to you all,

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