Thursday, December 6, 2012

12 weeks -Closing in on the final few days of the first trimester

Hello Everyone!

I am 12 weeks pregnant today. We also had the opportunity to see the babies which was super exciting. We had to go see a high risk specialist at Rush Copley today because he needed to do some genetic testing and look at the hemorrhage that I have. We did the test for Downs where they check the blood and measure the necks, we should know if we are at risk in a couple weeks. They also checked the hemotoma/hemorrhage and it was smaller than last time, it was 6 x 2 cm and last time it was 10 x 2 cm. We were able to tell that it is behind Baby A and not Baby B. I told Matt that it is a good thing that Baby A is a little less wiggly then Baby B, otherwise we may have had some bad results earlier. They didn't seem incredibly concerned, he says they see them a lot with IVF patients and with twins.

Things going on with the babies this week:

  • Our babies are the size of a PLUM!
  • Most of their critical systems are formed.
  • They are about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues with grow and develop rapidly.
  • They are developing reflexes, so if you poke them, they will move.
  • They are open and closing their little fingers.
  • Their brains are developing quickly.

I am still tired and throwing up all the time. I can't wait to get further in the pregnancy so I can enjoy it a little more! I can't wait for this stupid hemotoma to go away as well, damn thing is driving me nuts.

I have an appt with Dr. West on Monday of next week so I will try to post some more pics then.

Lots of Love to you All!

Krista Hoffman


  1. Im so excited! I still can't believe we are talking twins! You should register on Etsy too :)!

  2. I know. Me too! I didn't even think of Etsy. YOU are a genius. :)
