Friday, December 28, 2012

15 Weeks

The babies are the size of a NAVEL ORANGE!!!! :)

  • They can sense light and movement although their eyes are fused shut.
  • They are forming taste buds.
  • Gender can be figured out (possibly) at this week.
  • They can hiccup.
  • They squirm and move all the time.
  • Their joints and limbs can all move now.
So Christmas was good to Babies Hoffman. They received lots of diapers and wipes, clothes, blankets, and other fun stuff. I will try to get a pic of what we have so far. I also was super excited to actually have an elderly couple talk to me about my pregnancy. I am getting out of the stage of just looking super fat which I am a fan of.

I had a Dr Appt today. I have gained 2 lbs total. So my weight gain is pretty minimal right now. The high risk specialist came back with both babies being just fine (we had the downs syndrome testing done). We heard both their little heartbeats, 160 and 153. So all is well. I have another Dr appt with the high risk specialists on the 3rd and I think we get to see them then, which is exciting. :)

More next week for sure.

Lots of Love!

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