Sunday, January 6, 2013

16 Weeks Pregnant

Our babies are the size of an Avocado!

  • They are listening to sounds and voices now due to tiny little bones in their ears.
  • They are growing hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows.
  • They are still forming taste buds.
  • They are growing toenails.
  • The patterning of their scalps have begun for their hair follicles.
  • Their hearts are pumping 25 quarts of blood a day.
Here is what fraternal twins look like at this stage:

 Well New Years Day held an unfortunate surprise for us. The Hemotoma came back and reared it's ugly head again. I thought that thing was gone. Oh no. It was hiding. So I started bleeding again which is always friggin scary. But then, at my Dr appt on Thursday we saw the babies and they are great! ANNNNND the HEMOTOMA is finally gone. :) So happy. They were twisting and turning and generally shaking it up in there which was fun to see. Baby A is 5 oz and Baby B is 6 oz. I can't believe how much I love them already.

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