Monday, January 21, 2013

Bed Rest Week 1

Welp. This is an interesting feat, being on bedrest. I thought it would be nice to relax and get some rest. It is so boring. I have my kindle and I downloaded a TON of free classics that I never got around to reading. I have my Nintendo DS, I have to get some more games because the two I have aren't cutting it anymore. I have the Ipad which has Netflix on it and that has been pretty great. I am going to get picture books to organize photos and start working on the babies Memory Books. I also have a recipe project that I can work on and some word searches that I can do. But I miss leaving the house already and it has been 4 days. I can't complain, I guess, I have two beautiful little babies in there that I have to keep safe.I just keep looking at the pictures of the babies and how they are the ones that I am doing this for, because I miss getting up and doing stuff already. I could possibly have 4 more months of this so I guess I better get used to it.

Lots of Love,

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