Again with the photos! This thing is just not working for me lately. Hooray! I lied. Here it is!!
So the babies are the size of a sweet potato.
- They are hiccuping, swallowing, yawning and sucking their thumbs.
- They are twisting, punching and kicking... I am surely feeling that now! :)
- Their ears are in their final positions.
- Their genders can start to be distinguished at this time.

So we went to the high risk guy on Thursday. He had some news that I was not happy about. Two things really, I have placenta previa, where one of the babies placenta's are covering part of the cervix. That accounts for my bleeding episodes and they said it usually moves away on it's own. I also have a shortening cervix. It went from like 3.2 to 2.8 so he wanted me put on moderate bed rest. He told me to stay home from work and then they are going to check it next Friday to see where we are at. If it shortens anymore, I am guessing my working days are over. He said he is just being really cautious, there is no need for incredible alarm at this point. He said 2.6 is the lowest that he wants it to be at before we start to worry and possibly add medication. So that's where I am at right now with that.
Good news...the babies are awesome. We found out the tentative gender and it is fantastic. :) I won't share anything else yet because we are really not sure at this point. They are getting so big, you can really make out their features in the ultrasound pics, which is so cute. So excited for them to grow. I want them to stay in there as long as they can!
Lots of Love,
Tentative genders? why was I not told?!! :)