Thursday, January 31, 2013

19 weeks ...I know, I know, I am LATE!

So I am late on this one. In my defense, posting anything on this from my Ipad is frigging IMPOSSIBLE! :)

So they babies were the size of Mangoes at 19 weeks.

  •  They are developing a protective coating over their skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at their birth.
  • Working on their five senses. Nerve cells for their sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in their brain.
For me, I am doing pretty good. I was in bed all last week which was super boring. But I did catch up on some reading and I watched some Dead Zone which was good stuff. Poor Matt did EVERYTHING this week. I felt so bad, I am sure he loved to be my waiter. But the babies are really kicking up a storm now. Matt can feel it on the outside now!

We did have a little scare and ended up in the emergency room again. The babies were fine but I was super scared. I won't get into gory details, but yikes it was terrible. The funny part is when the ultrasound tech scanned me with that ER visit, no previa....So weird. I guess nothing about my body or this pregnancy is going to be normal though. Keeps me on my toes, hahahahaha. :)


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