Monday, January 14, 2013

17 weeks

This week our babies are the size of a large onion! :)

For some reason- it won't let me upload a picture of a large onion but you all know what they look like. :)

  • Their skeletons are changing and becoming bone instead of soft cartilage.
  • Their umbilical cords are stronger.
  • They can move their joints and are creating sweat glands.

Last week, we had another bleeding incident. Went to the Dr in a hurry and both little heartbeats were good. We had 153 and 154. I have a high risk appt this Thursday and Matt won paper, rock, scissors, so if we can, we will find out.

I am really having trouble moving around now, waddling when I walk and getting off the couch is a challenge. I don't think that I have gained much weight though. Last time I went, I had gained 2 lbs total. That was two weeks ago but I have been really good with food, so we will see.

Went and got some cribs last weekend. They are the natural color (I know, I orginally was going with white) and the mattresses. So we are getting there. I can't wait to get the room together. I will feel good and accomplished then.

Lots of Love to you all,

1 comment:

  1. Still loving your blog :o) Glad everything's still going good too. The only thing we've purchased so far is a toy camera for the little one. Oh brother, we have a long way to go. I've been on Pinterest a whole lot though lately looking at nurseries though so, I'm in the new baby spirit. Also, there's been a lot of name discussions in our household. Anyhow, I'm happy to hear your little ones are doing so well. Have fun finding out too!
