Thursday, January 31, 2013

20 Weeks Pregnant

Hello ALL!

This is the big one. I am considered truly halfway at this point... I can't believe I have even made it this far with all the ups and downs we have had.

So this week the babies are as big as bananas!

  • They have working taste buds.

  • Now, they are gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

  • We had a Dr appt yesterday with the High Risk OB at Rush Copley. They said my previa is still gone and my cervix measured at like 3.6, so it is higher than it was last week. They took my off full bed rest and said I can do moderate activity which is exciting. I was able to cook again last night which made Matt and I pretty happy. Then they are measuring it again in two weeks. So we will see where we are at then....
    Babies are GREAT! They are:
    Baby A: 19 weeks 6 days measuring at 11 oz
    Baby B: 20 weeks 3 days measuring at 13 oz
    Their hearts, kidneys, brains, spinal columns and lungs were all perfect. Baby B was being uncooperative so she shook my belly to get the baby to move. The baby then shook it's head back and forth, like it was saying no. It was really cute. :)
    Cribs are up, Matt is washing clothes this week and I think the dresser comes this week as well so we can get them all put away. Matt's parents bought the car seats and the dresser which was awesome, we opened the car seats up and they are great.  My mom is getting the bedding shortly and then we can get that washed and in as well. My Mom also bought their going home from the hospital outfits, which are a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.  We have a couple art projects to make for their room and then we are pretty close to done with it. OH! I also ordered my breast pump from Aetna (my insurance provider) because it is now covered under the affordable health care act. It should be here in 4-6 weeks.

    I know my baby shower is being feverishly worked on which I really appreciate. I keep having moments of panic where I am like, there is still so much to buy and do. But then my Mom and Matt talk me down every time, thank the lord for level heads when my pregnancy hormones are raging.
    For all those reading, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done and continue to do. I love you all very much and I know my little munchkins will too.
    Lots of Love,

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