Thursday, February 7, 2013

21 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Everyone!! 
This week the babies are the size of a pomegranate!
    They are producing meconium, the tar-like   substance that will be in their first diaper.... Ew.

If there is a girl, then she has produced all the eggs in her ovaries that she will have for her lifetime. There are about 6 million in there.

    Things about this week.... well the babies are moving so much more than they had before. They are really kicking and squirming. It is a neat feeling. I told Matt it's like having a couple tiny frogs in you. We have the dresser, Matt put it together and he got some clothes washed and put away. I bought some shadow boxes online for their first day home outfits and then a couple canvases to create artwork.
    The bedding I am getting is from Skip Hop. It is called giraffes on parade or something like that. I like it because it is bumper free, modern and not cutesy (I am not a fan of cutesy) and I dig the colors. The artwork I mentioned above will do something with those decals. I am not sure what yet but I wanted to put them on canvases instead of the wall.
    Man ALIVE do I want to get the Jonathan Adler giraffe lamp. But that is way to expensive for the likes of me or a nursery for that matter.  I saw a blog where a girl found a similar lamp and spray painted it white. I may have Matt do that if I can find one. Otherwise, I put a teal one on my registry so that will work fine too. :)
    My baby shower is scheduled for March 2nd so my wonderful family are getting the invites ready and the surprise gender reveal photo that will be included. I can't wait for everyone to celebrate with us.

    Well, I have an OB appt with Dr West soon so I better start getting ready! Hopefully she will have good news for us. I make a list of questions every time I see her so thank god she is patient. :)

    Lots of Love!

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