Thursday, February 21, 2013

23 weeks pregnant

23 Weeks Y'all!

The babies are the size of grapefruits.

  • They are forming tiny little nipples.
  • Their faces are fully formed, just need fat to fill those suckers out.
  • They are listening to sounds intently now. Dogs, trains, voices, music- they can hear it all.
  • They can possibly be seen moving on the outside of the body now.
  • Chances of survival are 10-35% this week increasing 3-4% each day unto the 24 week mark.

Good news, the babies are getting big and moving all the time. They are really getting to be quite the little kickers in there. Bad news, I had three more bleeding incidents. They just can't figure out where the bleed is coming from. They are taking it very seriously though, both my high risk and OB, so that makes me feel better.  It's scary for me because usually the type of bleeding that I am having does not always have the best of outcomes. But Matt and I continue to stay positive and each time that they kick me or squirm in there, it is a great sense of relief. So needless to say, I am still taking it easy, I am in bed or on the couch probably 90% of my day which is good.

Oh, fun new things about being pregnant:
  • I pee 62 times a day. Seriously it feels like 62 times a day. These two must be just hanging out on my bladder.
  • I am hairy, like Teen Wolf. Shaving every 2 days is almost not enough. I have never had body hair grow this quickly in my life. Matt calls me Burt Reynolds now, which I love. ;)
  • I have 2 stretch marks so far. They are on the sides of my belly. I have been using Palmer's so I think maybe that is helping.
  • I have gained 6 lbs total! So this truly is a fun new thing, it makes me so happy that I am not gaining like gangbusters.
  • I cry at the drop of a hat. I don't usually cry a ton, but lately just a ill look my way sends me into hysterical sobs.Seriously, I can't stop, these two little hormone factories inside of me have really made me a weepy mess.
Matt got the bedding washed and in, I will include a photo of it. It is so cute. Bumper free and really soft and cozy. I have the mural art that came with the pack and now I have NO idea what to do with it. I thought it was much smaller than it really is. I don't know if the canvas that I have will even be able to show 2-3 giraffes on it because of how large the mural stickers are. I was mulling over the idea of doing a border around the room because the room is smaller and I have a lot of mural stickers, but I don't know. Sometimes borders are hokey looking. I will figure it out though and then Matt will execute.

SUPER excited for the baby shower coming up.The food theme apparently is "Foods that Krista loves", so that is going to be delicious. I can't wait to celebrate these two little monkeys with all my family and friends. :)

Lots of Love,

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