Thursday, February 14, 2013

22 Weeks pregnant

 Hello Friends,

The babies are the size of a Papaya!

  • They have newly developed eyes and lips so they are looking more humanoid now.
  • They sleep in cycles 12-14 hours a day.
  • Their irises have formed but lack pigment.
  • They are developing tiny tooth buds under their gums.

It is nice to the other side of the hill now. We are closer to them being born then not which is such a good feeling. At the end of this month, if the babies were born, they may survive on their own. I pray to God that doesn't happen but that is reassuring. I was going back through my posts and I actually was amazed at how hard we had to work to get to this point. It is funny how that happens!

The Dr's want me to continue modified bed rest and activity. They really have no idea what caused the clots, the shortened cervix, and the bleeding. It seems that having me stay home has been a good situation, they don't want me to take shots, no need for cerclage, nothing except modified bed rest at this point.

 My cervix is holding strong so that is awesome. They are going to measure it again on the 28th of February.  I actually didn't know this before (and why would I really?) but I have a muscle or stretch of skin that is partially covering my cervix and my cervix is really far back, and that is just genetic to me. So that skin/muscle is helping the cervix stay longer and the babies stay in at this point. Will  it potentially effect the birth plan, possibly.... It , as well as the twin aspect, and Baby B being breech all lend to a C-section. Which is not what I wanted but it is what it is.

The room is starting to come together. It makes it more real. I have moments where I am like, HOLY CRAP, I am going to be a parent for the rest of my life. It is amazing and sobering and scary. I just hope that I am good at it.

Love you All! :)

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