Monday, February 11, 2013

A place for twins to call home

Hey Y'all,

So here are a couple pics of the room so far. Matt has really only got the bones up. I mean cribs, dresser, and paint. Matt is getting a new lighting fixture at Lowe's and the bedding will come this week probably so I will try to get more pics once it is in.

The paint is like a creamy yellow in case you can't make that out in the picture. --------------->

If you are thinking the dresser is a little more stained than the cribs are you are right. I was annoyed at first but it is highly improbable that I will send it back and get a dye lot closer to the cribs, each are so different. So I will deal with it. It isn't quite as bad as this picture portrays, I think it was the light in the room that made it look extra yellow. The car seats are below. I can't wait to get them in the car. They look so little right now to me. But I guess the babies will be little so it makes sense. ;)

That's all for now! Lots of Love to you all,

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