Monday, September 24, 2012

Bloated and Bruised

So I got on the scale today and I had gained about 5-6 lbs since last week. I almost cried. I have been so good with my points. So I went to my Dr. Appt and they checked my ovaries, I had 15 follicles on both sides! They all ranged from 14-20mm, so they were big too. So I asked the nurse if me gaining weight was normal, she was like, "it sure is, you are retaining a ton of water with all these follicles". THANK THE LORD!

But I am reacting so well to the drugs, it looks like the potential transfer out will be Thursday and the potential transfer back in will be Sunday or Monday. So this show is on the road for sure.

I am so bruised. My belly looks like a hot mess, I talked to the nurse about it today. The antagon shot, has the dullest needle ever. The first time Matt tried to jab it in it bounced back! I have about 3 little bruises and some big ugly green ones on each side of my belly button. It is super fetching, guess I will have to put away all my belly shirts (HAHAHAHA).

So that is all for now, I am still taking Antagon, Folltism and Menopur and then will be taking the HCG shot tomorrow which stimulates ovulation. So onward we trek.

Thanks for checking in!


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