Friday, September 21, 2012


Hello all my favorite people,

I am feeling pret-ty good about this morning's Dr Appt. They did the regular ultrasound and blood testing and low and behold, I am a perfect patient. I had 10-12 follicles that were ranging in size from 12-14 mm, which is stellar. A quick reminder for those who aren't full of infertility knowledge like muah, when we were doing the IUI's they wouldn't signal ovulation until your follicles were at like 18-22 mm. Follicles grow 1-1.5 mm at day. So they are pretty large and in charge already.

They also tested my blood to make sure I am not too full of estrogen, if my levels are getting high, they will dial back the follitism a bit and have me start the antagon (the supressing shot) sometime this weekend. She said if I have to do that, it is good news, because I am reacting well.

This is what the follicles look like (this is not mine). But they are the voids in the clouded area. My ovaries have fewer, larger follicles which is awesome.  We want big mature ones for the transfer!

Other than that, not a whole lot to share. Just plugging away at the shots and hoping for a belly full of baby or babies, either would be nice. I would like two though, kinda like a two fer one deal.

Love you all!