Friday, September 28, 2012

QUIET! Embabies growing in progress. :)

Hey Everyone,

So Rona, the nurse, called me today!! I had:

10 Eggs Retrieved
9 Eggs Mature
7 Eggs Fertilize through ICSI

We have 7 embabies dividing and conquering their petri dishes right now. Rona said that she is hoping that we will get 4-5 to mature so we have some to get in there on Sunday and some to freeze for the next go round, if there is one.

We don't know anything of egg quality yet. The don't like to look in on them while they are growing, in fear that it may harm them, so we will know more on Sunday morning. The doctor is going to give me a spreadsheet with egg quality and pictures, so we know what we are dealing with.

Matt said that this is the fastest he had ever wished a weekend to go by. I said I wouldn't go that far, lol... I am just so ready for this. I really pray for a positive blood test.

My acupuncturist doesn't work on Fridays so I will make one for Monday and Wednesday next week. Then Saturday, my mom is helping me make a week's worth of freezer meals so I won't have to be on my feet much, we really want to help those little eggs as much as we can. My mom bought me a pineapple, I have to go get like 5 more since you are supposed to eat the core. I think I am going to blend it in ice and make it like a healthy smoothie.

That's all for now, I will update you Sunday once those little guys are back with me.

Lots of Love,

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