Thursday, February 21, 2013

23 weeks pregnant

23 Weeks Y'all!

The babies are the size of grapefruits.

  • They are forming tiny little nipples.
  • Their faces are fully formed, just need fat to fill those suckers out.
  • They are listening to sounds intently now. Dogs, trains, voices, music- they can hear it all.
  • They can possibly be seen moving on the outside of the body now.
  • Chances of survival are 10-35% this week increasing 3-4% each day unto the 24 week mark.

Good news, the babies are getting big and moving all the time. They are really getting to be quite the little kickers in there. Bad news, I had three more bleeding incidents. They just can't figure out where the bleed is coming from. They are taking it very seriously though, both my high risk and OB, so that makes me feel better.  It's scary for me because usually the type of bleeding that I am having does not always have the best of outcomes. But Matt and I continue to stay positive and each time that they kick me or squirm in there, it is a great sense of relief. So needless to say, I am still taking it easy, I am in bed or on the couch probably 90% of my day which is good.

Oh, fun new things about being pregnant:
  • I pee 62 times a day. Seriously it feels like 62 times a day. These two must be just hanging out on my bladder.
  • I am hairy, like Teen Wolf. Shaving every 2 days is almost not enough. I have never had body hair grow this quickly in my life. Matt calls me Burt Reynolds now, which I love. ;)
  • I have 2 stretch marks so far. They are on the sides of my belly. I have been using Palmer's so I think maybe that is helping.
  • I have gained 6 lbs total! So this truly is a fun new thing, it makes me so happy that I am not gaining like gangbusters.
  • I cry at the drop of a hat. I don't usually cry a ton, but lately just a ill look my way sends me into hysterical sobs.Seriously, I can't stop, these two little hormone factories inside of me have really made me a weepy mess.
Matt got the bedding washed and in, I will include a photo of it. It is so cute. Bumper free and really soft and cozy. I have the mural art that came with the pack and now I have NO idea what to do with it. I thought it was much smaller than it really is. I don't know if the canvas that I have will even be able to show 2-3 giraffes on it because of how large the mural stickers are. I was mulling over the idea of doing a border around the room because the room is smaller and I have a lot of mural stickers, but I don't know. Sometimes borders are hokey looking. I will figure it out though and then Matt will execute.

SUPER excited for the baby shower coming up.The food theme apparently is "Foods that Krista loves", so that is going to be delicious. I can't wait to celebrate these two little monkeys with all my family and friends. :)

Lots of Love,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gender Reveal! :)

We have one of each now! So excited. So our boy is going to be named Henry Paul Hoffman and our little lady is going to be Adelaide Louise Hoffman (we will call her Addie Lou). I can't wait for these little munchkins to arrive so I can hold and kiss them. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

22 Weeks pregnant

 Hello Friends,

The babies are the size of a Papaya!

  • They have newly developed eyes and lips so they are looking more humanoid now.
  • They sleep in cycles 12-14 hours a day.
  • Their irises have formed but lack pigment.
  • They are developing tiny tooth buds under their gums.

It is nice to the other side of the hill now. We are closer to them being born then not which is such a good feeling. At the end of this month, if the babies were born, they may survive on their own. I pray to God that doesn't happen but that is reassuring. I was going back through my posts and I actually was amazed at how hard we had to work to get to this point. It is funny how that happens!

The Dr's want me to continue modified bed rest and activity. They really have no idea what caused the clots, the shortened cervix, and the bleeding. It seems that having me stay home has been a good situation, they don't want me to take shots, no need for cerclage, nothing except modified bed rest at this point.

 My cervix is holding strong so that is awesome. They are going to measure it again on the 28th of February.  I actually didn't know this before (and why would I really?) but I have a muscle or stretch of skin that is partially covering my cervix and my cervix is really far back, and that is just genetic to me. So that skin/muscle is helping the cervix stay longer and the babies stay in at this point. Will  it potentially effect the birth plan, possibly.... It , as well as the twin aspect, and Baby B being breech all lend to a C-section. Which is not what I wanted but it is what it is.

The room is starting to come together. It makes it more real. I have moments where I am like, HOLY CRAP, I am going to be a parent for the rest of my life. It is amazing and sobering and scary. I just hope that I am good at it.

Love you All! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello Everyone,

Today, as I am updating the baby registries and working on my sweet children's baby books, I think of how long it has taken us to get here and what toll it had on both of us. People don't realize how much both Matt and I hold our emotions in. You would see my smile and my laugh and think all was great, but I can hide my feelings well. Matt is pretty stoic, he never lets people see his feelings. This is our story of what we felt then to show how unimaginably fortunate we feel now.

We have been actively trying to get pregnant since we were 26. We did what most people do, stop taking the necessary precautions against pregnancy and hope that nature would take its course. After a year of trying with no results, we saw the first Dr. He suggested that we go see a specialist and get tested. Matt and I at this point, thought it was just poor luck, we thought we were just getting the timing incorrect. We didn't think that there was a huge issue, so we didn't persist.

The next year, my brother and his wife got pregnant with the first, my wonderful little niece Lilly. I immediately went home and cried. It is ,of course, not their fault, I think it was the fact that I didn't realize HOW much I wanted a child at that point. Every time I held that little blond angel, it was like my heart ached for what I couldn't achieve. I mean, getting pregnant should be easy, it is what we are made for. So we started being a little more active in our pursuit for children.

Our next step was basal body temperature measurement. We started taking my temperature each day and then as it goes up you record it and start peeing on those uber expensive ovulation strips to try to figure out when we had an open window. With PCOS, you can ovulate every three months or once a month for 2 months and not for the next 4, so that, of course, was a bust.

All the while, well meaning people keep asking as they do when you are married for a little while, when are you having kids, you better get working on those kids, one of my uncles even said, You better have kids soon, the clocks ticking away. At that point, we weren't ready to tell people about the troubles, we didn't know what was going on, if it would continue, and didn't want people to talk about "those poor Hoffmans that can't have a baby". So we lied. We said we wanted to save money, or weren't ready yet, just to fend off the questions. In retrospect, that was really more of my thing than anyone else's but we kind of became more absent at extended family gatherings. I just couldn't handle all the questions.

So then we started using the ovu-watch and that didn't work either. Now, I am 28 and three years of trying to have a baby have passed. This is, of course, the time when EVERYONE starts having a baby. Each new pregnancy being a tiny adorable arrow to my heart. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for people, it was just a painful reminder of what Matt and I both wanted so dearly. We started to search for fertility doctors and try to see what exactly was causing the issue. We finally found one in Geneva by the name of Dr. Robert Springer. He specializes in people with PCOS so I felt comfortable with him. This began the years of testing and treatments.

We both were tested before the treatments began. I have PCOS and that was really our only hurdle. Matt's sperm count was fine, my tubes were fine (that test btw, is not fun and somewhat painful), it was basically all me. So with the treatments we first tried clomid on our own for a 4-5 months. That didn't work, we could never get the timing correct. Then we tried clomid with monitored visits for a few months and nothing. So finally we leapt into IUI's. The first I had, we used clomid and I didn't react. So we upped the amount of clomid and did an IUI and it didn't take. I was devastated, I thought once the Dr was really involved it would be a snap.

We had a consultation and the Dr and he said if I lost weight it would help. So I  joined weight watchers and started trying to lose weight. I had lost like 5 lbs and low and behold, we got pregnant naturally that September. I really can't express the elation we felt. We both hugged and cried and hugged some more. God had finally granted our prayers! Matt doted on me, making me eat weird green veggie shakes and grilled chicken all the time so our baby would be strong and healthy. We bought clothes, started buying toys, we were just so excited. Weeks passed and the baby was developing wonderfully. Around 8 weeks, I had some light bleeding. The Dr said it is normal, just keep your feet up and relax. So I didn't worry, I went along thinking all was well  and that our little bundle was healthy and happy. At this point too, my sister in law was pregnant with their 4th, Logan. It was so exciting because I thought they would be close in ages and could play together. It was like all the moons aligned or something.

Around 12 weeks, I had a little more bleeding. I was more freaked out this time, I hadn't been monitored yet so no one could tell me what was going on. Matt came home from work and we went to the hospital. They did an ultrasound and that baby was gone. It had stopped growing at 8 weeks when I had the first bleeding and we had just thought all was fine. I am sobbing in the ultrasound chair, Matt is trying to comfort me but all I can feel is this terrible heart wrenching loss. This baby, our sweet little baby, was not there anymore. My family came to try to comfort me but it just wasn't going to happen. This happened on a Friday and they scheduled a D&C on Monday to remove our baby.

On Sunday night, I started having horrible cramps. I was in bed and crying from pain, trying to use a heating pad and some aspirin to curb the pain. I got up to use the restroom and it was like a bucket of blood was pouring out of me. I honestly have never seen so much blood in my life. I moved to the shower and it continued to pour our of me. Matt was so worried, I have never seen him like that before and never again since. He was calling the ER, which called our OB and she said that it was just the baby passing naturally. This lasted for the 15-20 minutes. Once the bleeding subsided, I was exhausted. I wrapped towels around me and fell asleep.

I stayed out of work for a week. I woke up every morning and sobbed. Matt would come downstairs and hold me on the couch. Then we would sit there for awhile, just feeling lost. We would try to do stuff to stay busy. We saw some movies, went out to lunch, and Christmas shopped. I forgot to mention that this all happened a week before Christmas. My sister in law had little Logan, and I just couldn't handle seeing him right away. With the loss so fresh, it was like ripping my heart over and over again, I was just too emotional to handle it. Time slowly passed and I was able to function more, I went back to work and was able to hold the adorable little fella finally. Christmas had a sad cloud over it but we had each other and our families so that helped tremendously. Miscarriage is a horrible loss on it's own, but compounded with fertility issues, it is devastating.

To add insult to injury, we had switched insurances to Matt's when I found out I was pregnant. We wanted to make the change early so we could get the Dr information together early for the labor and delivery. Matt's insurance doesn't cover ANY fertility treatments at all. So we had to wait for another year to pass before we could start back up again. The year went by, Matt and I healed somewhat from our loss and trudged on to the next treatments. I had been diligently working out and doing weight watchers, so I had lost 28 lbs to go into the next round of treatments. We felt pretty good about that.

Dr. Springer seemed pretty confident that IUI's would work for us. Nothing was for sure, of course, but it was a good possibility that it would work. So we did 4 IUI's with no result. People who don't have fertility issues, don't really understand how painful those ups and downs are. The hope, the loss of hope, the crying and feeling of inadequacy, it is rough on a person and hard on a marriage. Not including the money spent but just the emotion attached. We leaned on each other for support and our marriage is the stronger for it, thankfully.

Finally we decided to do the IVF treatments, and that is where our story begins on this blog. Most people have been wonderfully supportive and kind throughout this whole ordeal, and I thank you all for that. I just wanted to document how we have worked for this and prayed for this and just are so blessed to have these two little angels coming into our lives.

Sorry this is so long!

Lots of Love,

Monday, February 11, 2013

21 Week Pic of me

Please ignore the poor love fern in the corner. That poor thing has needed to be repotted for like a year now and I always forget to do it. Hopefully soon though, just need to get the planter inside, have Matt carry in the dirt and pot it for me. So basically Matt will be repotting it. LOL. :)

Lots of Love,

A place for twins to call home

Hey Y'all,

So here are a couple pics of the room so far. Matt has really only got the bones up. I mean cribs, dresser, and paint. Matt is getting a new lighting fixture at Lowe's and the bedding will come this week probably so I will try to get more pics once it is in.

The paint is like a creamy yellow in case you can't make that out in the picture. --------------->

If you are thinking the dresser is a little more stained than the cribs are you are right. I was annoyed at first but it is highly improbable that I will send it back and get a dye lot closer to the cribs, each are so different. So I will deal with it. It isn't quite as bad as this picture portrays, I think it was the light in the room that made it look extra yellow. The car seats are below. I can't wait to get them in the car. They look so little right now to me. But I guess the babies will be little so it makes sense. ;)

That's all for now! Lots of Love to you all,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

21 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Everyone!! 
This week the babies are the size of a pomegranate!
    They are producing meconium, the tar-like   substance that will be in their first diaper.... Ew.

If there is a girl, then she has produced all the eggs in her ovaries that she will have for her lifetime. There are about 6 million in there.

    Things about this week.... well the babies are moving so much more than they had before. They are really kicking and squirming. It is a neat feeling. I told Matt it's like having a couple tiny frogs in you. We have the dresser, Matt put it together and he got some clothes washed and put away. I bought some shadow boxes online for their first day home outfits and then a couple canvases to create artwork.
    The bedding I am getting is from Skip Hop. It is called giraffes on parade or something like that. I like it because it is bumper free, modern and not cutesy (I am not a fan of cutesy) and I dig the colors. The artwork I mentioned above will do something with those decals. I am not sure what yet but I wanted to put them on canvases instead of the wall.
    Man ALIVE do I want to get the Jonathan Adler giraffe lamp. But that is way to expensive for the likes of me or a nursery for that matter.  I saw a blog where a girl found a similar lamp and spray painted it white. I may have Matt do that if I can find one. Otherwise, I put a teal one on my registry so that will work fine too. :)
    My baby shower is scheduled for March 2nd so my wonderful family are getting the invites ready and the surprise gender reveal photo that will be included. I can't wait for everyone to celebrate with us.

    Well, I have an OB appt with Dr West soon so I better start getting ready! Hopefully she will have good news for us. I make a list of questions every time I see her so thank god she is patient. :)

    Lots of Love!