Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Pre Halloween Scare

Today was a rough day. I went to work, humming a happy tune, a little sleepy and vomit-ty but that is normal. Then I started to bleed about 10 minutes into work. I FREAKED out. I was hyperventilating and crying like a crazy person and I hightailed it out of work sure that I was losing one or maybe both of the babies. My work was so wonderful, by the way, the offered to have someone drive me home, they were able to understand my unintelligible speech through my sobs, they were just awesome.

So I am crying and begging God, please don't take them, please don't take both, please god don't do this again, I actually probably should have had someone drive me home. While I was on the way home, Matt called the doctors office. The OBGYN said we should go to the fertility doctor so we called him and he didn't have an opening until 3:00. They said to put my feet up, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. So I got into bed and cried some more knowing that the past was going to repeat itself. I was so tired from the emotional craziness that I feel asleep.

Matt woke me up and we drove all the way out to the Crest Hill office. It was a long drive and Matt and I were both super nervous. We got into the office and although the bleeding had almost subsided we were still scared. The Doctor did the scan and we saw both little heartbeats. We were so shocked and elated. They were such cute little flutters.He measured them both and they were both the same size which is a good sign too, it means that they are both growing normally.

Then he moved over to the area that was causing the bleeding. I have a blood pocket caused by implantation behind one or both of the babies (he couldn't tell because of the angle).  He said that 9 out of 10 times it is fine. It will go away on it's own. The dangerous part is that the blood pocket doesn't leave an area for the placenta and baby to really stick in there and grow. If they don't have a place to do so then it won't end well. So I am praying that pocket goes away quickly and I can rest easily again.

The bleeding and pocket is exacerbated by lots of movement, so he wanted me to relax and put my feet up for the next 3-4 days. No cleaning and cooking or working. I have another Doctor apt on the 30th so they will check the blood pocket again to see where it is at. He didn't seem super concerned about it but he wants me to take it easy at home and at work until we get to the 12 week mark. So Matt is in charge of cooking and cleaning right now, which he loves... ;)

So that is where I am right now. We are happy that both babies are alive and fine and we are optimistic that the blood pocket will go away so the babies can grow like they should.

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 Weeks

Hey Everyone,

I didn't update my blog to let you know what we found out on Monday. It is TWINS. There are two tiny little black orbs with yolk sacs and fetal poles. I will try to get pic up of them this weekend. We are uber excited. Like over the moon excited. I am just hoping and praying that they both stay with us. I know, I am super greedy, but I want them both.

We, of course, are hoping for a boy and a girl because then we are done with this whole making a baby situation. But we will be happy with whatever happens.

At six weeks, my morning sickness has been a little more crazy, I throw up or am feeling like I am going to throw up at least 3-5 times a day. I am also extra moody and tired. I wanted ice cream yesterday, coffee flavored ice cream specifically, so we went to the store. Matt went in alone because I have been living in pajama pants when I get home. I said, "I want coffee flavored ice cream or strawberry or cookie dough." He came out with a strawberry shortcake smart ones and strawberry fruit juice bars. Blech. I was like, dude, I am pregnant and I should get what I want." (plus I am eating SUPER healthy so a bowl of ice cream was not going to break the bank). I didn't eat either of them. Then we went back for Oreo ice cream tonight. About 15 minutes later I threw it all up. So I guess I didn't need it after all.

We get to hear the heartbeats on Tuesday. I am super excited about that. I just want the confirmation that they are growing and developing and nothing bad is happening. We are just so skittish from our last experience that everything make us nervous. Random cramps, soreness, headaches, it is just so scary.

No one reminded us of this part when we started IVF. We were so darn focused on getting pregnant that I forgot what it is like to actually be pregnant and to worry all the time about the outcome. But I read a really excellent quote about worrying that I have started taking as my "mantra" during this. It can really be used in a ton of situations so feel free to steal it. :)

"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due." - Ralph Waldo Inge

Lots of Love,

Saturday, October 20, 2012

5 weeks and 1 day

Hi Everyone,

Just a short update. I am 5 weeks and one day today. So I we are getting there. Only 7 more weeks until we finish out this trimester and I can rest a little easier. I am still super tired, like 2 naps a day tired, nauseous, sore, and bloated. My belly is getting bigger, I think from the bloating. I am being pretty careful with my eating, lots of veggies and protein. Although Wednesday, I had a terrible day at work and stopped and the grocery store. I bought Ruffles, bacon dip, moose tracks, that Hersey's hardening ice cream stuff, olives, cream cheese, bacon bits and crescent rolls (for an appetizer). Matt talked me down when I got home. I was ready to eat it all!

We find out Monday if it is doubles. Then the Wednesday after that we get to hear the heartbeat/heartbeats so that is exciting. I am just so scared right now that we will lose it again, I am scared to get too excited about anything. Matt says that I should just relax but it is really hard. So the next 2 months couldn't be over fast enough for me.

Well that is all right now my friends.

Lots of love to you all! :)


Monday, October 15, 2012

Beta Check 2!

Good Evening All,

My last Beta check was on Friday, October 12th and I was at 178. I was freaking out all weekend, worried that if the number did not double that I may have a chemical pregnancy and have to do this whole thing all over again. But today I got that wonderful call that said I am at 641. So my levels almost tripled. So I think it is safe to say we have a baby on the way.

I am 4 weeks and 3 days today. So around 6 weeks is when they say you can see the heartbeat. We have an ultrasound on the 30th so we will see how many we have growing in there. I do have a lot of the symptoms already; fatigue, sore boobs, super bloating, extreme hunger, morning sickness, heightened sense of smell, just to name a few. I will keep you updated on the progress. I hope and pray that this works out, I really can't want to be a Mom.

Lots of Love to you all!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

I thought I would let you guys see a glimpse of Matt and I having our Winner Winner Chicken Dinner celebration. After this we went to Trader Joe's where Matt bought a plethora of organic meats, veggies, eggs and bread because he wants to best for his baby/babies. Apparently I was chopped liver before I was pregnant.... LOL :)


Sunday, October 14, 2012

HCG Levels

So as all of you may know, my blood test came back Friday with a big fat positive! My level is at 178 and they were looking for me to be between 50-100. I have another test on Monday and my levels need to double, so we are just hoping and praying for a 350+ tomorrow.

I have had some morning sickness, bloating and a couple other symptoms so that is good. We really want this to go full term, so I am so nervous this time. I wish I didn't have that sadness to overshadow this happiness but it is what it is. I don't think I will be able to rest easy until that 12-13 week mark comes along.

On a lighter note, my Mom and my Grandma have already bought me some super cute maternity outfits. My sister bought the baby some body wash and shampoo and a couple toys (too cute).  So the outpouring of support is really wonderful.

Matt and I went out to Popeye's on Friday for our winner winner chicken dinner and then to Trader Joe's. He is so picky about me eating organic and getting the right proteins, it is super cute.

I will keep you updated on the blood levels tomorrow. I pray that they are high. :)


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting Excited

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick update to say I am super excited about Friday. I really want to get in there and get my blood tested. I just want this to work so much. Updates on my symptoms are; I am super tired, I smelled a few things today and wanted to vomit, my boobs are super sore, and I have some cramping. Hopefully that is not just the Progesterone talking....

Well I will let you know what's up Friday....

Love you all!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Progesterone Check

Hey Everyone!

Just went and got my progesterone check today. I will get the results today, but they want the levels to be at 30, I really don't know why but that is what they said. I think they just want to make to comfortable for the little blastocysts to grow.

I don't have any symptoms yet, but it is only 3 days after. I mean I am pretty tired and have had random cramping but that doesn't really mean a whole lot. I am just trying to wait these two weeks out and keep my head on. I just have to keep myself grounded and say, it is only 50/50, don't get to excited, it may not is an unfortunate mantra but helpful.

I did buy a super cute pair of cream maternity jeans at Goodwill yesterday. My friend Candace told  me to check there for clothes and they have a lot of stuff that still has tags on it. They were cream, with the tags on, in my size, for 4.00. So I was like, why not, I will hopefully use the at some point.
I hope to use them at Christmas time.

I really hope these little guys stick, this has been a really exhausting journey.

Love you all!