Monday, July 23, 2012


I went to the Dr this am for a ultrasound and blood work. I had a bunch of follicles, one that was 16, one 13, 12, 11, 9, 12, and 13. There was about 7-8 together on both ovaries. The nurse was a little surprised at the 16 one, they said that they all should be around the same size. She said that the Dr may want me to start Antagon tonight which is a shot that slows growth and promotes more follicles to pop up. She said she would call.

So I get a call at lunch time and she said that after getting the blood work back, that my estrogen levels are lower then expected so they are going to hold off on the Antagon. It could change for tomorrow's appointment but it is really up the air. They can cancel the procedure, wait longer for the transfer, switch it to an IUI, or I could have my estrogen levels increase and everything will be fine.

I, of course, tend to be pessimistic when it comes to these things because we have had such rough luck with fertility. Today was a little disheartening for sure, but tomorrow is a new day! So we will focus on the good and learn from the bad.

Lots of Love to you all :)

1 comment:

  1. Love you!!! Praying for you guys and for your follicles... Anymore news since this last update?
