Monday, July 2, 2012

Plans and such

Today's appointment was something. We had to go through the treatment and all the what ifs. There is a real danger of hyperstimulation which causes a fluid build up in your lungs, kidneys, and abdomen. You can be hospitialized and it can be potentially fatal. BUT, I trust my Doctor and the plans that we have in set up in order to avoid all that nonsense.

Plan A: My body acts like a rockstar on the meds. I can do a regular cycle, throw some fresh embryos in there and call it a day until the blood test for pregnancy.

Plan B: This plan is not my favorite. It would be if I get that hyperstimulation, then they would stop the cycle, we would be out 3500.00 and then we would have to wait a month to to a frozen cycle with three embryos.

Plan C: I react well to lower dosages of all the meds. No hyperstimulation, no illness, just a plain cycle with lower dosage of drugs. Almost like Plan A light.

So really it is a waiting game at this point. I am taking birth control until the 11th (weird right, taking birth control to get pregnant) and then I have an appoinment on the 9th for a check in. We did go over all the drugs and I am feeling more confident on getting injected with multiple medicines every night.

This weekend,  I am going to create a Fertility Comand Center in my kitchen with cork and dry erase boards to keep this straight. I will take pictures once it is up and running. I need to have some way of tracking the meds and all the appoinments.

That's all for now Ladies and Gents, thanks for reading. :)

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