Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thanks Everyone!

I just wanted to take the time and thank everyone for all the well wishes and support. It means more to Matt and I then we can express. We will just keep on trucking right now and hope for the best.

Lots of Love,


  1. Love you guys so much and love the blog. I think you are very brave and hope others comment to show their support. xxxooo

  2. Thanks so much! I am glad that you like it. :) I don't know about brave, more like crazy. Love you too!

  3. First time I've been on your blog. I didnt know you had one. I want to cry for you- I remember all of this and I remember feeling completely broken. I remember the shots, the roller coaster of disappointments and good news and then more disappointments. Leslie bought be a sign once that pretty much sums up how I got through it. It says "I believe in the sun even when its not shining, in love even when I'm alone, and in God even when he is silent." I felt like He was silent for a long time in our quest to have a baby. Here's the GREAT news- when you do have a child (and I promise you will) all of those memories will make those children SO special and while you will still have the memories they become hazy and not so sharp. I'll pray for you and Matt- you will be a great Mom- just keep fighting. :) Love you.


  4. Thanks Wendy, I know you have been through so much with fertility too and your advice is much appreciated. I think you are an inspiration. :) That sign is perfect, I will just have to remember that when I am down. Thanks for all the kind words! By the by, I think that you are a wonderful Mom. Your posts about the kids always crack me up. :) Love you too! Take care.
