Friday, July 20, 2012

Shots and Follicles: Part 1

I have been taking my follitism and menapur each night. By taking, I mean having Dr. Hoffman poke me in my belly and thighs with needles. Fortunately, I have enough belly fat to make it much less painful then it could be (That's right skinny girls, sucks to be you). The first time we did it, we forgot to let the alcohol dry and that hurt like a mofo. Now it is just a routine. Although, I am having a few side effects to the medicine. I am having some headaches, cramping, bat shit craziness, and fatigue.  Silly Matt Hoffman said the wrong thing to me Thursday morning and I flew of the handle. I was screaming, pointing, slamming doors, the whole enchilada. Then I drove to work whistling some merry tune about an hour later. Later on, at work,  I was staring at my computer screen and started crying. What about you ask, well it was nothing. I was staring at my computer and I just started crying. Matt is now calling me the " Emotional Rollercoaster" and you can imagine how much I LOVE that.

I also went to the Dr. today and the measured the follicles. Estrogen levels are good and I have four decent sized follicles popping up, two on each ovary. Follicles are basically eggs when they are still attached the the ovaries, in case you didn't know. One was like 12mm, another was 11, and then there was like a 9 and an 8 or something like that. She said that I will probably have a bunch more pop up towards the end which is good stuff. The news I was most excited about though is that I am reacting to the medicine the way that I am supposed to be. No need to change or alter the medication, no hyperstimulation at this point, I am reacting like a normal person medically inducing the creation of life.


  1. This post made me SMILE!!! Great news Krista... I will keep those prayers coming...!!!!! :)

  2. Thanks TK! I appreciate it. I figure, I have been far to easy on Matt Hoffman for these 13 years together, he needs a little crazy to even things out.... ;)
