Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Needles and Enya = some sweet ass acupuncture

SO! I made all my acupuncture appts today, well, let me amend that statement by saying I have made 3 acupuncture appts today leading up to all the big stuff. Acupuncture is "supposed" to increase fertility chances by anywhere from 35-65%, depending on the sources and research you do. Why it works, there are differing ideas:

1.) It gets the blood moving to the uterus and essentially "wakes" up the nervous system.
2.) It is damn relaxing and women who are going through fertility are all stressed out. It calms them down and boosts the chances of implantation and pregnancy.
3.) Placebo effect

I have done it already, it doesn't hurt and I usually snooze through the whole thing.

I will take a couple pics so you can see me all pinned up. It is pretty neat.

Lots of love to you all!

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