Sunday, July 1, 2012

Names for the future leader of the free world... ;)

WOW! I am post crazy today. My sister suggested that I mention some of the names we have talked about for when I get pregnant. We are trying to figure out twin's names too because they are going to transfer two embryos and the chance of twins is high. And the names we like:

Girl 1: Arabella Grace Hoffman
Girl 2: Adelaide Louise Hoffman
Boy 1: Henry Paul Hoffman
Boy 2: Max Albert Hoffman

These are all, of course subject to change. But my husband has been throwing out some doozies that I think would be funny to share.

1. Icarus-  (really, Icarus, I was like Matt, you want our kids nickname to be Icky?)
2. Maximus- since we are going to have a Max he wanted to give him a full name. He also mentioned Maximillion.
3. Albert Henry Hoffman- now this is his Dad's name and I think it is super cute that he wants to honor his Dad. So we came up with Henry (Matt's Dad) Paul (My Dad). But that was a begrudging compromise. He really wants to have a Baby Al.

I wish I could think of the rest of them that he threw out there.  He hated a few that I mentioned as well:

1.) Zoe - he thinks it sounds like a good name for a cat- I think he is thinking of Chloe and getting them mixed up. I LOVE Zoe. I think it is adorable.
2.) Colette or Vivienne - Apparently they sound too much like french prostitutes for him.

So I guess we will just cross the baby name bridge when we get to it!

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