Sunday, July 1, 2012

More needles than a drug addict: MEDS GALORE

So let's see, on this road to fertility (I hate using that term because it sounds so damn hokey, but it is what it is), we have had 1 miscarriage at 8 weeks. We have done 3 IUI's (Inseminations) with negative outcomes, so we are starting IVF this month.

So far we have done the trial transfer, where they check out the ol' uterus to see if everything is copasetic. It was. Then I cleared a pharmacy out of the meds, which was nice and expensive. I have included a pic of the good stuff above. We have an appointment with the nurse on Tuesday so she can go over the medications and Matt adminstering them. More to come on that. Welp, I need to go clean and make some egg salad for the week now... :)

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