Monday, July 30, 2012

Hoffman pity party, table for one

Hey Everyone,

I realize I have been incommunicado for a little while. I have bad news, I didn't react the way I should have to the Follitism shot. They gave me a lower dosage so I would not hyperstimulate, but my body apparently was not a fan and decided to not react at all. So when I went in, all I had was one big follicle hanging out on my left ovary. It was large though, 22 mm, and the nurse said that it probably means it is a really good egg. So they had to cancel the IVF cycle and do an IUI. For those that don't know, an IUI is interuterine insemination. It is where they take Matt's little swimmers, clean them up, remove all the slow ones and inject them back into my uterus via catheter. It is a much more natural procedure than IVF, which is why the odds are much lower. I, if course, was heartbroken to have to go back to IUI. I was so looking forward to this process, I wanted those 50/50 odds, not the IUI odds of 15-20%. So I have been incredibly mopey and poor Matt has to bear the brunt of it.

Let's move on the the good news, before I start my pity party all over again....

1.) The cycle was not a bust, I was still able to have some sort of procedure.
2.) Very little of the 7000.00 was used, so we have that in case we have to do this again.
3.) They start the next cycle right away so there is no wasted time.
4.) The chances of multiples are much lower, which means a pregnancy with less complications.
5.) There is an 86% chance after 4 cycles that you will be pregnant, so that is decent odds.
6.) The egg was the biggest I have ever had and probably a really good one.
7.) My uterine lining was nice and thick with the injectables. I am mentioning this because a side effect of clomid is a thin uterine lining and that may hurt implantation.

So you see, we do have a silver lining in my pitiful rain cloud.

I am looking into therapists and support groups dealing with this issue too. It would be nice to talk to people who are in the same boat and really understand what I am dealing with. That way Matt won't be the only person that has to deal with my mopetacular attitude. ;)

So, we will find out on the 8th if it worked. I am not getting my hopes up at all. After 3 failed attempts, you kind of take the situation as it is.

Lots of Love to you all! Thanks for reading. :)



  1. Hooray for you nice looking uterus!!! Keep your head up!! This will happen for you!!!

  2. Thanks for that! I laughed out loud and you cheering on my uterus. ;) Thanks Candace!!

  3. I agree with Candace about your uterus... And I am glad that you are looking at the silver lining too :) you never know... Sometimes you think you know the way everything is gonna fall and then something happens and you get to your end result in a different way... Maybe it will be with IUI instead of IVF? Either way keep your head up and know that many people are thinking and praying for you guys! I think the support group is an awesome idea because when you discuss your feelings and thoughts with people who can really relate with what your going through... It makes a huge difference. Love you!!

  4. I know it may seem silly, but look at the groups on baby You can find a group of people who are going through exactly what you are, and it is amazing how much support you'll find from "virtual" people. I found a group of women who had miscarried and were still trying a year later, and I'm pretty sure they were the only ones who held me together. We still chat everyday. It may not be enough, but it's a place to start. Keep searching until you find a group you click with. ATTC TNL (actively trying to conceive, the next level) comes to mind. I'd start there if you're interested. Just 'lurk' for awhile. You'll be amazed at their knowledge.

    I won't pretend to know what it's like to go as far as you've gone already, but I worked for this baby, and I can promise you it's worth it, eventually.

    Christie H.

  5. Thanks TK! I thought the same thing. Maybe this is it and I won't have to go through IVF. Whatever happens is how is supposed to be. I love you too!!

    Thanks for the tip Christie! That is really nice of you to pass that along. I will check it out. :) I hope you and the little growing peanut are well.
