Monday, July 9, 2012

Estimated due date, just for fun!

Based on a retrieval date of July 27 and a sperm/egg fusion of July 29th, the due dates could be as follows:

For Singletons: April 20th

For Twins: March 29th

Since we are not pregnant nor have we done any procedures, this is just to make me smile. I would love twins but the birthstone of April is a diamond,which I much prefer to aquamarine (March). So if those twins could hold it in for a couple more days I could get come out of the deal with a pair of babies and diamonds. ;D


  1. I am praying for twins and diamonds for you :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Damn thing wouldn't let me edit. I spelled one thing wrong and it only could be deleted...grr... ANYWAYS
    I had Matt convinced for a long time that it was a tradition to buy the mother whatever the babies birthstone is as soon as they were born. Some dummy told him otherwise. Now he is a missing person, weird right? ;)
